Sunday, April 15, 2012

Argentinian Farmers take on Monsanto and Philip Morris over epidemic of birth defects -

Argentinian Farmers take on Monsanto and Philip Morris over epidemic of birth defects -

religion and nationalism

another day ends
Image by ΞSSΞ®®Ξ_FAV via Flickr
Religion and nationalism are outmoded concepts that need to be discontinued in a modern progressive society. 
This is 2012 and  we should start to learn, that if we want to survive we must cut the population and forget all our petty territorial gripes and cooperate to overcome all our present day problems. 
All that is needed is the collective will and universal agreement on the way forward

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


The Bible is a load of crap . every supposed christian denomination has twisted its words to suit their own particular agenda. The Catholic Church is corrupt and  and uses the bible to demean and deprive women of their rights.
The Pope and all the rest of the child molesters  club should be shut down completely ,there is no room in a modern technological society for such  a group of old men.
Personally i can only believe in Einstein`s /Baruch Spinoza`s concept of god as the sum total of all physical laws.
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