This should really make life interesting !Napoleon will be laughing in his grave at this turn of events!
My personal blog.Things that interest me ,make me angry,.make me laugh,my gallery of beautiful Asian girls and a few other interests.I do not post explicit material,I am a blogger by reason of Insanity!:-)I blog about all kinds of stuff from Photography to science,girls,history,geography and music and true crime
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Religion in the UK
Cameroon is off his trolley!.In this day and age,you,d have thought that people would wake up to the fact that morality is not the property of the church to be used to bludgeon people into following their particular fantasy.Morality is a choice we make to enable us to handle life and the choices presented to us.
See this Amp at
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Nice one Miriam
Miriam is one of the very few philippine senators worth anything,tough,outspoken,sometimes controversial,but with a sense of humour and style that makes her stand out from the rest.
Just wish that she would run for president,if she did there would really be some hot debates in congress as well as the senate!LOL!
Just wish that she would run for president,if she did there would really be some hot debates in congress as well as the senate!LOL!
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- Dr. Miriam Defensor-Santiago: The Best Philippine Candidate to the International Criminal Court (
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Violation of her rights
Like it or not ,Mrs Arroyo is not an ordinary prisoner,if she was why would they go to the expense of redecorating her accommodation in the first place.She can easily afford topay for her own celphone and internet access,unlike most ordinary prisoners,so they really do not have any real reason to deny her the right to a link to the outside world!
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Sunday, December 4, 2011
Mayan ruins dicovered
One of my main interests is the ancient peoples of the America`s,from the earliest people who crossed over using the land bridge that existed up till the last ice age, to the relatively modern civilisations of the Apaches and Navajo of the southwestern USA
Saturday, December 3, 2011
No fly zone
Wasting a lot of tax money on all this protection for Gloria and she has not as yet even been convicted ,i seriously doubt that she will be,given the past administrations failure to pin anything on Mrs Marcos,the irony is that ex president Erap Estrada was pardoned by Gloria for taking kickbacks from jueteng lords
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Friday, December 2, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Malaria Vaccine
It may not be a cure all but at least its a good step in the right direction, combined with a concerted effort to clean up breeding areas and build environmental awareness,should lower the no of victims significantly
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- What are some long term effects of malaria (
3 Birthdays at one go
We are so mean we roll three birthdays into one and just have a family size coke 3 straws and a bowl of pancit noodles!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Malunnguy Fail
One of my favourite Filipino dishes is mongo beans and malunguy leaves cooked with either pork or beef bits .The leaves contain plenty of vitamins and are a good source of fibre,one time my wife asked me to pick some from the top of a tree close to where we lived,alongside the road.
At that time i weighed a bit more than i do now and i was not aware how soft Malunguy wood is and climbed the tree to pick the best leaves high up,but the branch that i was standing on suddenly gave way and i fell to the ground ,landing upside down and much to my wife,s amusement stayed upside down for about a minute as a bus load of passengers gawked at me and my wife having hysterics!
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- imabonehead: Tocino: Filipino Breakfast Pork Recipe " The Hungry Host (
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Things i love about the Philippines
Image via Wikipedia |
Last time i was back in England was in1992 and was appalled at how pale and unhealthy everyone looked! Like they had given to much blood to the Red Cross, or perhaps they met this lady!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Corruption be my name
Corruption be my name.
Its no good Aquino going after Arroyo, If he does not overhaul the whole system of government and the police force from top to bottom.corruption is built into the very fabric of government here
One high profile case even if it is accomplished does not make up for more than a half century of systematic plundering of the countries wealth.The shameful fact is that the Filipino people are too easily swayed into voting in power people who are just popular personalities.When Mrs Marcos and her family still have an influence on some parts of the country and a convicted ex-president like Joseph Estrada wanders around giving unhelpful advice ,what hope is there for any real change.
Its no good Aquino going after Arroyo, If he does not overhaul the whole system of government and the police force from top to bottom.corruption is built into the very fabric of government here
One high profile case even if it is accomplished does not make up for more than a half century of systematic plundering of the countries wealth.The shameful fact is that the Filipino people are too easily swayed into voting in power people who are just popular personalities.When Mrs Marcos and her family still have an influence on some parts of the country and a convicted ex-president like Joseph Estrada wanders around giving unhelpful advice ,what hope is there for any real change.
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